Insights Playground - the instant qualitative solution

Get to know the views of your target group by the methodology of your choice.
A solution that grants the proper level of qualitative research without its restrictions.

Insights Playground - the instant qualitative solution

Get to know the views of your target group by the methodology of your choice.

A solution that grants the proper level of qualitative research without its restrictions.

Qualitative research on-line

The efficiency of qualitative methodologies combined with all advantages of on-line research


The full range of on-line qualitative methodologies – from forums to focus groups.


Immediate reports can be generated from the voiced opinions and acquired information.


Voting and plays inserted easily, also independently.


No physical or time limits, all target groups can be accessed easily.


Respondents are groped to mini panels that may be handled individually.


The user interface can be easily adjusted to specific requirements.

Anywhere, any time, in a cost-effective way

The IPG abandons the restrictions of qualitative research. The customer target group complying with the requirements is any time available and easy to access. Put your questions to the people in their usual, comfortable atmosphere of their home, instead of artificial surroundings.

Straightforward interface

The user interface of IPG enables the interviewers to contact the target group directly. This is supported by built-in on-line qualitative modules (voting, plays). The use of these modules is easy to learn. This way, the application of the system means colourful experiences for your respondents, not only a duty.

Anything lacking?

Would you prefer to elaborate on the question by a few in-depth interviews? Would you possibly like to have a questionnaire? IPG offers options for switching between methodologies. Until now, no qualitative research was as flexible as this. The playground is ready, just chose the option you want to try.

Sample displays of the software

Have a look at a few displays of the freQuest Professional software

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If you want to try it, we will contact you within 24 hours, and set up your free customized test version.

Professional market research tools for business